Philosophical musings on a diverse variety of subjects.

"Chenango" is an old Indian word allegedly meaning "land of the bullthistle. Or so the traditional story has it. The bullthistle (Cirsium vulgare) is not native to North America; it was probably brought over from Europe. Nevertheless, we in Chenango County, New York, use it as our county logo. I am a Bullthistle Birder, a Bullthistle Botanizer, and a Bullthistle Hiker. With this blog I am now a Bullthistle Blogger.
For posts specific to Chenango County click these links.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Donald A. Windsor

Does God exist?  This is the most important question I have ever tried to answer.

If God does exist, then all our experiences would have some meaning, because we may then fit into some larger plan.  If God does not exist, then our lives are meaningless, except for whatever meaning we can assign.

Ignoring God is easy when our lives are running smoothly.  But when we are experiencing one misfortune after another, we tend to implore God for blessed relief; at least, I do.  When such relief comes, we are grateful.  Thus the common expression, "Thank God". 

The literature dealing with the existence of God is vast.  I have read much of it but still find it useless.  If God exists, I want to dialog directly with God.  I do not want to go through a holy middleman, or even an unholy one.  Talking to God is easy; that is what prayer is all about.  However, I want God to talk to me, personally, directly.

God does not violate scientific principles, so I do not expect to hear voices or see divine majesty.  But if God observes the natural systems that God created, how else could God communicate?  I think I have figured out how.  God communicates by influencing probabilities.  The probability of any event happening is one.  However, before the event, the probability is less than one.  If God knows the future, then by definition God knows what events have probabilities of one.  We do not.  Humanity invented the concept of probability to measure ignorance.

What this means in everyday life is that some very close calls can make or break us.  Every time that I survive a narrow escape, I interpret it to be a powerful message from God.  Not all narrow escapes are physical life or death.  Some are careers, or opportunities for enjoyment, or the differences between winning or losing, or whatever forms a pivotal change.  That is, God speaks to me by guiding my adventures with life-altering events.  Does God guide your adventures?


Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Donald A. Windsor

The traditional Judeo-Christian Ten Commandments are inadequate.

The first three Commandments deal with humanity's interrelationships with God (Exodus 20:1-10).
1.  You will have only one God (:2-5). 
2.  Do not take God's name in vain (:7).
3.  Keep holy the Sabbath Day (:8-10).

The next seven Commandments deal with humanity's interrelationships among itself (Exodus 20:8-17).
4.  Honor your father and mother (:12).
5.  Do not kill (:13).
6.  Do not commit adultery (:14).
7.  Do not steal (:15).
8.  Do not bear false witness against your neighbor (: 16).
9.  Do not covet your neighbor's property (:17).
10. Do not covet your neighbor's wife (:17).

Now we need some Commandments that deal with humanity's interrelationships with our planet Earth.  Here are five that I propose.
11.  Do not pollute.
12.  Do not overpopulate.
13.  Do not destroy natural ecosystems.
14.  Do not render a species extinct.
15.  Do not contaminate other planets.

My purpose here is to encourage thinking about humanity's responsibilities toward its own world and the rest of the universe.  Moreover, I would like to see such interrelationships elevated to a religious obligation practiced with a religious fervor. 
